Easy-Fill Hanging Baskets

Five colourful easy Fill hanging baskets

Easy-Fill Hanging Baskets are perfect for creating an instant impact, right from the moment they are planted up! We recommend planting grown-on plants and using McDermott’s SwellGel & Feed, and our Premium Professional Compost for best results. We have a wide range of plants that are perfect for planting into Easy Fills throughout the year.

A 15″ Easy Fill basket has room for 17 plants – one in each hole and 5 plants on top. The smaller 12″ baskets hold 9 – one in each hole and 4 on top.

Plant with grown-on plants using McDermott’s SwellGel & Feed and top-quality compost for best results.

How to plant an Easy Fill Hanging Baskets

How to plant your Easy-Fill Hanging Baskets

Easy-fill hanging basket
  • To start, place a medium plant pot on a table or potting bench and place your Easy Fill basket on top. This will allow you to easily turn the basket, preventing plant damage.
  • Put the couple of handfuls of compost (to the level of the first planting holes) and a sprinkling of SwellGel & Feed into the bottom of the basket.
  • Next, get one of your plants and feed it through the first planting hole, do this so that the roots and any soil is inside the basket and the foliage is on the outside.
How to feed the plant through the planting hole in the easy-fill hanging basket
  • You will receive some “Lattice Gates” with your baskets. These clip into the planting holes of the basket and will hold your plants in place. Firstly, from the outside, place the gate over the planting hole, being careful not to trap any leaves. Then click it into place, this will hold the plant with the roots inside and the leaves and flowers outside – in both cases perfectly unharmed!
  • Keep repeating this process until all of the planting holes are planted up, adding more compost and sprinkling of SwellGel & Feed as you go. Create a mound of compost on top of your basket, then plant more plants here too. A 15″ basket has room for 4 plants around the outside plus one in the middle.
The lattice gates on the easy-fill hanging baskets
  • Finally, all you need to do is hang your basket up. You’ll notice a 4-Point chain in the box for each basket. Feed the chain through the apertures built into the rim of the basket, and then click the anchor on the end of the each chain into place. This will lock them in, so your basket will be safe and secure.
  • Water your plants well and then continue to water them as and when they need it. Now just sit back and watch your plants grow into incredible displays – the best you’ve ever grown!